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发布时间:2017-07-21 11:25:20 来源:食品伙伴网 作者:安然 浏览次数:


    The Food Safety and Inspection Service (FSIS) is proposing to amend the poultry products inspection regulations to list the PRC as eligible to export to the United States poultry products from birds slaughtered in the PRC. The PRC is currently eligible to export processed poultry products to the United States if the products are derived from poultry slaughtered in the United States or in other countries eligible to slaughter and export poultry to the United States. FSIS is proposing this action because the Agency has reviewed the PRC's laws, regulations, and poultry slaughter inspection system as implemented and has determined that the PRC's poultry slaughter inspection system is equivalent to the system that the United States has established under the Poultry Products Inspection Act (PPIA) and its implementing regulations.
全国肉类工业科技情报中心站 肉类工业杂志社 地址:中国湖北武汉市江岸区堤角前街15号
电话:027-82319036 82359099 82359199 传真 :82319036 备案号:鄂ICP备14000012号-1 技术支持: 捷讯技术 后台管理

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